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 Table Generator Results:
 - Description : Unit  4 of Georgia                                          
 - Date of retrieval : 19-JUL-01
 - Data requested by : 
 - Identification No.: 133151
 - Retrieval type: County
 - Number of forested plots    1258
 - Number of sample trees     32382
 - States with date of inventory:
   Georgia            1997
 - Plot selection criteria:                - Tree selection criteria:
   Ownership (all)                           Size of tree (all)                             
   Stand age (all)                           Species (all)                                  
   Volume class (all)                        Damage (all)                                   
   Slope (all)                                                                              
   Forest type group (all)                                                                  
   Past forest type group (all)                                                             
   Stand origin (all)                                                                       
   Past stand origin (all)                                                                  
   Physiographic class (all)                                                                
   Site class (all)                                                                         

 The following table is available in a comma delimited file
 for convenience in downloading to a spreadsheet or data base.
Table 9--Area of timberland by forest type and stand-size class ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stand-size class ----------------------------------- All Sapling- Nonstocked Forest type classes Sawtimber Poletimber seedling areas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - thousand acres - - - - - - - - - - - Longleaf-slash pine 2.2 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Loblolly-shortleaf pine 1248.8 513.8 363.9 359.9 11.3 ----------------------------------------------------------- Softwood total 1251.0 516.0 363.9 359.9 11.3 =========================================================== Oak-pine 547.3 223.2 134.2 178.0 12.0 Oak-hickory 1440.2 819.4 270.7 344.3 5.8 Oak-gum-cypress 151.1 117.6 16.2 16.1 1.2 Elm-ash-cottonwood 92.9 65.1 10.9 13.4 3.5 ----------------------------------------------------------- Hardwood total 2231.5 1225.2 431.9 551.8 22.6 =========================================================== All types 3482.5 1741.2 795.8 911.7 33.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Timberland consist of nonreserved land only in this table for the following states: (GA). - Numbers in rows and columns may not add to totals due to rounding. - The data are derived by sampling and are subject to statistical error. - Source Southern FIA : Asheville, NC States:(AL,AR,FL,GA,KY,LA,MS,NC,OK,SC,TN,TX,VA) For assistance contact: Joe Glover 704-257-4350 homepage http://www.srsfia.usfs.msstate.edu
|FIA Database Retrieval System Results|