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 Table Generator Results:
 - Description : Unit  2 of Georgia                                          
 - Date of retrieval : 19-JUL-01
 - Data requested by : 
 - Identification No.: 141720
 - Retrieval type: County
 - Number of forested plots    1476
 - Number of sample trees     31910
 - States with date of inventory:
   Georgia            1997
 - Plot selection criteria:                - Tree selection criteria:
   Ownership (all)                           Size of tree (all)                             
   Stand age (all)                           Species (all)                                  
   Volume class (all)                        Damage (all)                                   
   Slope (all)                                                                              
   Forest type group (all)                                                                  
   Past forest type group (all)                                                             
   Stand origin (all)                                                                       
   Past stand origin (all)                                                                  
   Physiographic class (all)                                                                
   Site class (all)                                                                         

 The following table is available in a comma delimited file
 for convenience in downloading to a spreadsheet or data base.
Table 10--Number of live trees on timberland by species group and diameter class ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diameter class (inches) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All 1.0- 3.0- 5.0- 7.0- 9.0- 11.0- 13.0- 15.0- 17.0- 19.0- 21.0- 29.0 & Species group classes 2.9 4.9 6.9 8.9 10.9 12.9 14.9 16.9 18.9 20.9 28.9 larger ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -thousand trees- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Longleaf-slash pine 238768 52805 66674 55543 26113 15476 10514 6171 2844 1521 560 547 0 Shortleaf-loblolly pine 189340 77944 50162 34733 12808 4542 3115 2160 1332 1010 758 721 55 Other pine 5180 2610 221 500 553 423 235 344 149 37 51 57 0 Cypress 56316 22611 12916 6965 4811 3824 2496 1526 612 319 96 103 37 Other softwood 1079 883 0 51 41 0 17 54 16 17 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total softwoods 490683 156853 129973 97792 44326 24265 16377 10255 4953 2904 1465 1428 92 ========================================================================================================== Select white oak 5393 2237 914 592 510 323 420 173 74 112 21 0 17 Select red oak 120 0 0 34 0 0 35 0 34 0 0 17 0 Other white oak 28587 15767 5698 2262 1252 948 724 530 377 264 210 454 101 Other red oak 248679 166156 38975 17514 8895 6095 3622 2788 1535 902 908 937 352 Hickory 11880 8860 876 678 500 302 255 199 103 68 21 18 0 Hard maple 3162 2584 250 129 73 35 54 20 0 0 17 0 0 Soft maple 153727 114508 24040 7238 3444 1985 1254 578 347 173 105 55 0 Beech 2827 2635 0 36 19 0 53 36 0 0 0 48 0 Sweetgum 91085 64104 14860 5197 2696 1577 1097 658 521 195 67 113 0 Tupelo-blackgum 234867 131064 52088 22850 11890 7239 4853 2739 1197 482 288 159 18 Ashes 8459 5714 1488 408 257 260 96 119 34 66 0 17 0 Basswood 54 0 0 0 0 0 18 18 0 0 18 0 0 Yellow-poplar 12891 6496 1350 1138 976 742 781 469 404 161 173 201 0 Other soft hardwood 106976 77347 15247 7120 3345 1809 922 641 360 89 52 44 0 Other hard hardwood 48288 41977 3903 1600 469 140 94 88 17 0 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total hardwoods 956995 639449 159689 66796 34326 21455 14278 9056 5003 2512 1880 2063 488 ========================================================================================================== Noncommercial 46766 33354 7938 2755 1336 711 332 179 56 52 18 35 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All species 1494445 829656 297600 167343 79988 46431 30987 19490 10012 5468 3363 3526 580 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Timberland consist of nonreserved land only in this table for the following states: (GA). - Numbers in rows and columns may not add to totals due to rounding. - The data are derived by sampling and are subject to statistical error. - Source Southern FIA : Asheville, NC States:(AL,AR,FL,GA,KY,LA,MS,NC,OK,SC,TN,TX,VA) For assistance contact: Joe Glover 704-257-4350 homepage http://www.srsfia.usfs.msstate.edu
|FIA Database Retrieval System Results|