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 Table Generator Results:
 - Description : Unit  2 of Georgia                                          
 - Date of retrieval : 19-JUL-01
 - Data requested by : 
 - Identification No.: 141720
 - Retrieval type: County
 - Number of forested plots    1476
 - Number of sample trees     31910
 - States with date of inventory:
   Georgia            1997
 - Plot selection criteria:                - Tree selection criteria:
   Ownership (all)                           Size of tree (all)                             
   Stand age (all)                           Species (all)                                  
   Volume class (all)                        Damage (all)                                   
   Slope (all)                                                                              
   Forest type group (all)                                                                  
   Past forest type group (all)                                                             
   Stand origin (all)                                                                       
   Past stand origin (all)                                                                  
   Physiographic class (all)                                                                
   Site class (all)                                                                         

 The following table is available in a comma delimited file
 for convenience in downloading to a spreadsheet or data base.
Table 11--Number of growing-stock trees on timberland by species group and diameter class ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diameter class (inches) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All 1.0- 3.0- 5.0- 7.0- 9.0- 11.0- 13.0- 15.0- 17.0- 19.0- 21.0- 29.0 & Species group classes 2.9 4.9 6.9 8.9 10.9 12.9 14.9 16.9 18.9 20.9 28.9 larger ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -thousand trees- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Longleaf-slash pine 235498 50472 66156 55261 26072 15455 10497 6137 2820 1521 560 547 0 Shortleaf-loblolly pine 185116 74237 49942 34569 12695 4542 3095 2160 1332 1010 758 721 55 Other pine 4778 2360 221 480 536 385 215 304 132 37 51 57 0 Cypress 54901 21524 12916 6857 4739 3769 2440 1508 612 319 96 103 18 Other softwood 1079 883 0 51 41 0 17 54 16 17 0 0 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total softwoods 481372 149476 129235 97218 44083 24151 16264 10163 4912 2904 1465 1428 73 ========================================================================================================= Select white oak 4828 1763 914 539 492 323 400 173 74 112 21 0 17 Select red oak 103 0 0 17 0 0 35 0 34 0 0 17 0 Other white oak 13501 6970 2848 1341 587 579 287 317 192 52 142 154 32 Other red oak 180421 107924 32990 15763 8078 5614 3376 2603 1318 805 835 814 301 Hickory 8250 5450 876 512 484 281 255 182 103 68 21 18 0 Hard maple 386 250 0 58 20 18 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 Soft maple 59323 37094 12501 4394 2301 1301 800 382 255 152 88 55 0 Beech 2809 2635 0 36 19 0 53 18 0 0 0 48 0 Sweetgum 74557 50150 13176 4750 2462 1471 1046 641 521 195 50 95 0 Tupelo-blackgum 150854 66102 39958 19880 10272 6357 4092 2266 1160 357 251 141 18 Ashes 3249 1516 625 375 209 226 96 85 34 66 0 17 0 Basswood 54 0 0 0 0 0 18 18 0 0 18 0 0 Yellow-poplar 12058 6059 1083 1082 938 742 764 451 404 161 173 201 0 Other soft hardwood 62490 42493 9356 5097 2552 1437 621 515 251 72 52 44 0 Other hard hardwood 10603 8728 760 582 212 140 94 70 17 0 0 0 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total hardwoods 583486 337134 115087 54426 28626 18489 11957 7741 4363 2040 1651 1604 368 ========================================================================================================= All species 1064859 486610 244322 151644 72709 42640 28221 17904 9275 4944 3116 3032 441 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Timberland consist of nonreserved land only in this table for the following states: (GA). - Numbers in rows and columns may not add to totals due to rounding. - The data are derived by sampling and are subject to statistical error. - Source Southern FIA : Asheville, NC States:(AL,AR,FL,GA,KY,LA,MS,NC,OK,SC,TN,TX,VA) For assistance contact: Joe Glover 704-257-4350 homepage http://www.srsfia.usfs.msstate.edu
|FIA Database Retrieval System Results|