(Published, in print or accepted. Include all categories listed below; if there are no entries for a particular category, state "none"; indicate number of pages for books or chapters)
(authored or co-authored (in print or accepted) distinguish original editions and revisions)
(and co-edited (in print or accepted) distinguish original editions and revisions)
(Articles longer than standard articles, in print or
C.J. 2002. Comparing fixed- and
variable-base-age polymorphic site equations having single versus multiple
Meng, Q, C.J. Cieszewski. [In Press]. Spatial Clusters and Variability Analysis of Tree Mortality. Physical Geography .
Meng, Q., Cieszewski, C.J., Madden, M., Borders, B.E. [In Press]. K Nearest Neighbor Methods for Forest Inventory Using Remote Sensing Data. GIScience and Remote Sensing.
*2Cieszewski, C.J., G. Nigh. [In Press]. A Dynamic Equation for a Sitka Spruce Height-Age Model. [Journal article accepted for publication by the Forestry Chronicle.]
Zasada, Strub. 2006. Analysis of Different Base Models and Methods of Site Model
Derivation for Scots Pine. Forest Science. Volume 52, Number 2, April
2006, pp. 187-197(11)
Strub. 2006.
Inventory Updates and Related Topics – from special sampling techniques
to stochastic analyses. Forest Science. Volume 52, Number 2, April 2006,
pp. 117-118(2)
Cieszewski. 2006.
Base-age Invariance Properties of Two Techniques for Estimating the
Parameters of Site Index Models. Forest Science. Volume 52, Number 2,
April 2006, pp. 182-186(5)
Proceedings of the 2005 Southern Mensurationists Conference.
Shangbin, C. J. Cieszewski and R. Lowe. 2006.
Using Outputs of the FIA Mapmaker to Estimate Sustainable Harvests and
Intensively Managed Pine Plantations. In Proceedings of the 2005 Southern
Mensurationists Conference.
Symposium Articles Published in Proceedings of the Second
International Conference on Measurements and Quantitative Methods and
Management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting
Qingmin Meng, Chris J. Cieszewski, Roger C. Lowe, Michal Zasada. 2006. Modeling Biomass and Timber Volume by Using an Allometric Growth Model From Landsat TM Images. In Cieszewski and Strub (Editors). 2006. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Forest Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting. 15-18 June 2004, Hot Springs, AR, USA. P. 15 – 27.
Chengcai Ni, Chris J. Cieszewski, Bruce E. Borders. 2006. Quantile Regression Approach to Estimating Percentile Growth Model. In Cieszewski and Strub (Editors). 2006. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Forest Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting. 15-18 June 2004, Hot Springs, AR, USA. P. 64 – 73.
Shangbin Liu, Chris J. Cieszewski, Roger C. Lowe, Michal Zasada. 2006. Sensitivity Analysis on Long-Term Fiber Supply Simulations in Georgia. In Cieszewski and Strub (Editors). 2006. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting. 15-18 June 2004, Hot Springs, AR, USA. P. 158 – 170.
Chris J. Cieszewski, Michał Zasada, Roger C. Lowe, Don Reimer. 2006. Impact of Adjacency and Green Up Constraints on Regional Wood Supply. In Proceedings of the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Forest Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting. 15-18 June 2004, Hot Springs, AR, USA. P. 199 – 203.
Chris J. Cieszewski, Michał Zasada, Mike Strub. 2006. Analysis of Different Base Models and Options for Site Model Derivation Using Historical Data for Scots Pine (Pinus Sylvestris L.) in Central Europe. In Cieszewski and Strub (Editors). 2006. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Forest Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting. 15-18 June 2004, Hot Springs, AR, USA. P. 227 – 246.
Chris Cieszewski. 2006. New Flexible GADA Based Dynamic Site Equation with Polymorphism and Variable Asymptotes. In Cieszewski and Strub (Editors). 2006. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Forest Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting. 15-18 June 2004, Hot Springs, AR, USA. P. 262 – 263.
Chris J. Cieszewski, Michał Zasada, Mike Strub. 2006. One- and Two-Point Principle Dynamic Site Equations Derived from Richards, Weibull, and Other Exponential Functions. In Cieszewski and Strub (Editors). 2006. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Forest Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting. 15-18 June 2004, Hot Springs, AR, USA. P. 264 – 273.
Michal Zasada, Chris J. Cieszewski. 2006. Site Index Modeling in Poland: Its History and Current Directions. In Cieszewski and Strub (Editors). 2006. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Forest Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting. 15-18 June 2004, Hot Springs, AR, USA. P. 312 – 321.
Brock Stewart, Chris J. Cieszewski, Michal Zasada. 2006.
Use of a Camera as an Angle-Gauge in Angle-Count Sampling. In Cieszewski
and Strub (Editors). 2006. Proceedings of the Second International Conference
on Forest Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management & The 2004
Southern Mensurationists Meeting. 15-18 June 2004, Hot Springs, AR, USA. P. 375
– 380.
Cieszewski. 2006. GADA Derivation of Dynamic Site Equations with
Polymorphism and Variable Asymptotes from Richards, Weibull, and Other
Exponential Functions. In Cieszewski
and Strub (Editors). 2006. Proceedings of the Second International Conference
on Forest Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management & The 2004
Southern Mensurationists Meeting. 15-18 June 2004, Hot Springs, AR, USA. P. 248
– 261.
R. Ingvar Elle, Chris J. Cieszewski, Roger C. Lowe, Shangbin Liu, Yong Shan. 2006. INFORM-C: Interactive Fast Online Reports and Maps for Multi-County FIA Statistics. In Cieszewski and Strub (Editors). 2006. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Forest Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting. 15-18 June 2004, Hot Springs, AR, USA. P. 383 – 396.
Roger C. Lowe, R. Ingvar Elle, Chris J.
Cieszewski, Shangbin Liu. 2006. INFORM-D: Interactive Fast Online Reports and Maps for Congressional District Level FIA Statistics. In Cieszewski and Strub (Editors). 2006. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Forest Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting. 15-18 June 2004, Hot Springs, AR, USA. P.
397 – 403.
Shangbin Liu, Chris J. Cieszewski, Roger C. Lowe, R. Ingvar Elle. 2006. Online Hypermaps for County Level FIA Data Summaries. In Cieszewski and Strub (Editors). 2006. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Forest Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting. 15-18 June 2004, Hot Springs, AR, USA. P. 404 – 408.
8th Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium. Monterey, CA. Oct.
16-19, 2006.
Cieszewski, C. J. Submitted. New Functions and Programs in Hypermap Software Development for Internet Based Displaying of the FIA Data. In Proceedings of the 8th Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium. Monterey, CA. Oct. 16-19, 2006.
Meng, Q. and Cieszewski, C. J. Submitted. Comparisons of Methods for Large Area Forest Inventory Using Remotely Sensed Data. In Proceedings of the 8th Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium. Monterey, CA. Oct. 16-19, 2006.
Meng, Q. and Cieszewski, C. J. Spatial Clusters. Submitted. Dependence and Variation of Tree Mortality. In Proceedings of the 8th Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium. Monterey, CA. Oct. 16-19, 2006.
Stewart, B. Cieszewski, C. J., Smith, E. L., Lowe, R. C., Elle, R. I., and Jordan, L. Submitted. Modeling spatial trends of forest health indicators from Phase 2 FIA data in the Southeastern USA. In Proceedings of the 8th Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium. Monterey, CA. Oct. 16-19, 2006.
International Journals Published Papers:
Zasada, M. and C.J. Cieszewski. 2005. A
finite mixture distribution approach for characterizing tree diameter
distributions by natural social class in pure even-aged Scots pine stands in
Zawadzki, J., C.J. Cieszewski and M.
Zasada. 2005. Semivariogram analysis of Landsat 5 TM textural data for loblolly
pine forests. Journal of
J., C.J. Cieszewski, M. Zasada and R. Lowe. 2005. Applying geostatistics
for investigations of forest ecosystems using remote sensing imagery.
Silva Fennica 39(4):599-618. http://www.metla.fi/silvafennica/
Symposium Articles Published – Fifth Annual FIA:
J. Cieszewski, K. Iles, R. C. Lowe, and M. Zasada. 2005. Proof of Concept
for an Approach to a Finer Resolution Inventory. Page 69 – 74. In R. E.
McRoberts, G. A.Reams, P. C. Van Deusen, and W. H. McWilliams. Proceedings of
R. C., 3, and C. J. Cieszewski. 2005.
Comparison of Programs Used for FIA Inventory Information Dissemination
and Spatial Representation. Page 215 – 221. In R. E. McRoberts, G. A.Reams, P.
C. Van Deusen, W. H. McWilliams. Proceedings of the
Meng, Q., C.
J. Cieszewski, R. C. Lowe, and M. Zasada. 2005. A Three-Step Approach to
Model Tree Mortality in the State of
B., C. J. Cieszewski, and M. Zasada. 2005. Impact of Definitions of FIA
Variables and Compilation Procedures on Inventory Compilation Results in
M., C. J. Cieszewski, and R. C. Lowe. 2005. Impact of Stream Management
Zones and Road Beautifying Buffers on Long-Term Fiber Supply in
Symposium Articles Published –Fourth Annual FIA
Cieszewski, C. J., M. Zasada, T. Lowe, B. Borders, M. Clutter, R. F. Daniels,
R. I. Elle, R. Izlar, and J. Zawadzki. 2005. Analysis of Pooled FIA and Remote
Sensing Data for Fiber Supply Assessment at the Warnell School of Forest
Resources at the University of Georgia—Other Studies and Effective Information
Dissemination: p. 71 – 79. In McRoberts, R.E, G.A. Reams, P.C. Van Deusen, H.
McWilliams and C.J. Cieszewski (Eds). 2004. Proceedings of the 4th annual FIA
symposium; 2002 Nov. 19-21.
T., C. J. Cieszewski, M. Zasada, and J. Zawadzki. 2005. Distributing FIA
Inventory Information onto Segmented Landsat Thematic Mapper Images Stratified
with Industrial Ground Data: p. 111 – 116. In McRoberts, R.E, Reams, G.A., Van
Deusen, P.C., McWilliams H., Cieszewski C.J. (Eds). 2004. Proceedings of the
4th annual FIA symposium; 2002 Nov. 19-21.
R. E., G. A. Reams, P. C. Van Deusen, H. McWilliams, and C. J. Cieszewski. 2005. Proceedings of the 4th annual FIA symposium.
USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep.
NC-252, N. Central Res. Sta.,
Strub, M., C.J. Cieszewski, and D. Hyink. 2005. Self-referencing Taper
Curves for Loblolly Pine. p. 59 – 64. In McRoberts, R.E, Reams, G.A., Van
Deusen, P.C., McWilliams H., Cieszewski C.J. (Eds). 2004. Proceedings of the
4th annual FIA symposium; 2002 Nov. 19-21.
M., C. J. Cieszewski, R. C. Lowe, J. Zawadzki, M. Clutter, and J. P. Siry. 2005.
Using FIA and GIS data to estimate areas and volumes of potential stream management
zones and road beautifying buffers. p. 253 – 257. In McRoberts, R.E, Reams,
G.A., Van Deusen, P.C., McWilliams H., Cieszewski C.J. (Eds). 2004. Proceedings
of the 4th annual FIA symposium; 2002 Nov. 19-21.
J., C. J. Cieszewski, R. C. Lowe, and M. Zasada. 2005. Use of Semivariances
for Studies of Landsat TM ImageTextural Properties of Loblolly Pine Forests. p.
129 – 134. In McRoberts, R.E, Reams, G.A., Van Deusen, P.C., McWilliams H.,
Cieszewski C.J. (Eds). 2004. Proceedings of the 4th annual FIA symposium; 2002
Nov. 19-21.
Symposium Articles Accepted for Publication Proceedings of
the Second International Conference on Measurements and Quantitative Methods
and Management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting
Meng, Chris J. Cieszewski, Roger C. Lowe, Michal Zasada. In Press. Modeling
Biomass and Timber Volume by Using an Allometric Growth Model From Landsat TM
Images. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on
Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management & The 2004 Southern
Mensurationists Meeting. 15-18 June 2004,
Ni, Chris J. Cieszewski, Bruce E. Borders. In Press. Quantile
Regression Approach to Estimating Percentile Growth Model. In Proceedings
of the Second International Conference on Measurements and Quantitative Methods
and Management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting. 15-18 June
Liu, Chris J. Cieszewski, Roger C. Lowe, Michal Zasada. In Press. Sensitivity
Analysis on Long-Term Fiber Supply Simulations in
Zasada, Chris J. Cieszewski, Roger C. Lowe, Don Reimer. In Press. Impact
of Adjacency and Green Up Constraints on Regional Wood Supply. In Proceedings
of the Second International Conference on Measurements and Quantitative Methods
and Management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting. 15-18 June
Chris J. Cieszewski, Michał Zasada,
Mike Strub. In Press. Analysis of Different Base Models and Options
for Site Model Derivation Using Historical Data for Scots Pine (Pinus
Sylvestris L.) in
Chris Cieszewski.
In Press. GADA Derivation of Dynamic Site Equations with Polymorphism and
Variable Asymptotes from Richards, Weibull, and Other Exponential Functions.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Measurements and
Quantitative Methods and Management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists
Meeting. 15-18 June 2004,
Chris Cieszewski. In Press. New
Flexible GADA Based Dynamic Site Equation with Polymorphism and Variable
Asymptotes. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on
Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management & The 2004 Southern
Mensurationists Meeting. 15-18 June 2004,
Chris J. Cieszewski,
Michał Zasada, Mike Strub. In Press. One- and Two-Point
Principle Dynamic Site Equations Derived from Richards, Weibull, and Other
Exponential Functions. In Proceedings of the Second International
Conference on Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management & The
2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting. 15-18 June 2004,
Zasada, Chris J. Cieszewski. In Press. Site Index Modeling in
Stewart, Chris J. Cieszewski, Michal Zasada. In Press. Use of a
Camera as an Angle-Gauge in Angle-Count Sampling. In Proceedings of
the Second International Conference on Measurements and Quantitative Methods
and Management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting. 15-18 June
S., C. J. Cieszewski, M. Zasada. 2004. Comparing the use of three
dendrometers for measuring diameters at breast height: In Doruska P.F. and
Radtke P.J. 2004. Proceedings of the Northeastern Mensurationist Organization
and Southern Mensurationists 2003 Joint Conference. October 6-7, 2003,
R., C. J. Cieszewski, M. Zasada, J. Zawadzki 2004. Distributing FIA
Inventory Information onto Segmented Landsat Thematic Mapper Images Stratified
with Industrial Ground Data. : p. 111-116. In McRoberts, R.E, Reams, G.A., Van
Deusen, P.C., McWilliams H., Cieszewski C.J. (Eds). 2004. Proceedings of the
4th annual FIA symposium; 2002 Nov. 19-21.
Q., C. J. Cieszewski, R. Lowe, M. Zasada. 2004. Geostatistical approach to
mortality pattern analysis using remote sensing and large-scale inventory
ground measurements. In Doruska P.F. and Radtke P.J. 2004. Proceedings of the
Northeastern Mensurationist Organization and Southern Mensurationists 2003
Joint Conference. October 6-7, 2003,
McRoberts, R., G. Reams, P. Van
Deusen, H. McWilliams, C. J. Cieszewski. 2004. Proceedings of the 4th annual
FIA symposium. 2002 Nov. 19-21.
Strub, M., C. J. Cieszewski, D. Hyink. 2004. Self-referencing taper curve--loblolly pine. In McRoberts, R.E, Reams, G.A., Van Deusen, P.C., McWilliams H., Cieszewski C.J. (Eds). 2004. Proceedings of the 4th annual FIA symposium; 2002 Nov. 19-21. Ne.
J., C. J. Cieszewski, R. Lowe, M Zasada. 2004. Use of semivariances for
studies of Landsat TM image textural properties of loblolly pine forests. In
McRoberts, R.E, Reams, G.A., Van Deusen, P.C., McWilliams H., Cieszewski C.J. (Eds).
2004. Proceedings of the 4th annual FIA symposium; 2002 Nov. 19-21.
Zasada, M., C. J. Cieszewski, R. Lowe, J. Zawadzki, M. Clutter, J. Siry. 2004.
Using FIA and GIS data to estimate
areas and volumes of potential stream management zones and road beautifying
buffers. In McRoberts, R.E, Reams, G.A., Van Deusen, P.C., McWilliams H.,
Cieszewski C.J. (Eds). 2004. Proceedings of the 4th annual FIA symposium; 2002
Nov. 19-21.
Dangerfield, C., R.Izlar, R. O. Teskey, C. J. Cieszewski, D. Markewitz, R.L. Hendrick Jr. 2004. Carbon Sequestration – A Georgia Fact Sheet (CFB # 13).Center for Forest Business, Daniel B. Warnell School of Forest Resources, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA. January. 2pp. http://www.forestry.uga.edu/warnell/pdf/cfb/CarbonFactSheet.pdf
Zasada, M, J. Siry, C. J. Cieszewski. 2004. Intensive forest management in the U.S. South (in Polish). Sylwan nr 2:61-72 (refereed Polish forest science journal)
Cieszewski, C. J., M. Zasada, B.
Borders, R. Lowe,J Zawadzki, M. Clutter. 2004. Spatially explicit
sustainability analysis of long-term fiber supply in
Zawadzki, J., C. J. Cieszewski, M. Zasada. 2004. The use of geostatistical methods for remote-sensing based determination of inventory measures and biophysical parameters of forests. In Polish. Sylwan, 3:51-62.
Zawadzki, J., C. J. Cieszewski, M. Zasada. 2004. Use of geostatistical methods for classification of forest ecosystems using satellite imagery. In Polish. Sylwan, 2:26-41.
Stewart, B., C. J. Cieszewski, M
Zasada. 2004. A photo-based approach to variable plot sampling. 2004. In
Doruska P.F. and Radtke P.J. 2004. Proceedings of the Northeastern
Mensurationist Organization and Southern Mensurationists 2003 Joint Conference.
October 6-7, 2003,
Ni, C., C. J. Cieszewski, B.
Borders. 2004. A simple approach for projecting stand tables. In Doruska P.F.
and Radtke P.J. 2004. Proceedings of the Northeastern Mensurationist
Organization and Southern Mensurationists 2003 Joint Conference. October 6-7,
Cieszewski, C. J., M. Zasada, R.
Lowe, B. Borders, M. Clutter. 2004. Analysis of pooled FIA and remote sensing
data for fiber supply assessment at the Warnell School of Forest Resources at
*See also above
“Monographs (Articles longer than standard articles, in
print or accepted)”
Cieszewski, C.J. 2003. Development of a well-behaved dynamic-site-equation based on a modified Hosfeld IV function Y3=ax^m/(c+xm-1), simplified mixed model, and scant subalpine fir data. The journal of Forest Science 49 (4): 539-554. [Journal Article]
C. J. A Simple Method for Derivation of Biologically Based Implicit Growth and Yield Equations. In
Avula, X.J.R., and R.R. Goldberg (Editors). Special Issue of Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing in Science and Technology, Volume 10, 2000, ISSN 1067-0688. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing. August 2-4, 1999, Chicago, IL [Journal Article]
Cieszewski, C.J. 2003. A Simple
Method for derivation of Biologically Based Implicit Growth and Yield
Equations. In Avula, X.J.R., and R.R. Goldberg (Editors). Special
Issue of Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing in Science and
Technology, Volume 10, 2000, ISSN 1067-0688. Proceedings of the 12th
International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing.
August 2-4, 1999,
Cieszewski C.J., M. Zasada. 2003.
Derivation of Generic Dynamic Site Equations Using Generalized Algebraic
Difference Approach. Sylwan, 3:40-46 [Journal Article, in Polish]
http://sylwan.ibles.waw.pl/pdf_ang/2003_03_040a.pdf .
Cieszewski C.J., M. Zasada. 2003. Site
index model for Scots pine based on Szymkiewicz yield tables. Sylwan, 1:
51-62. [Journal Article, in Polish]
http://sylwan.ibles.waw.pl/pdf_ang/2003_01_051a.pdf .
Cieszewski, C.J., M. Zasada, B.E. Borders, M.L. Clutter,
R.F. Daniels, R. Izlar. 2003. Various aspects of
sustainability analysis in
C.J., M. Zasada, B.E. Borders. 2003. Impact of
Intensive Management Practices on Long-Term Simulations of Forest Resources in
Rose, C., C.J. Cieszewski, W. Carmean. 2003.
Three methods for avoiding the impacts of incompatible site index and
height prediction models demonstrated on jack pine curves for
Strub, M., C.J. Cieszewski. 2003.
Fitting Global Site Index Parameters When Plot or Tree Site Index is Treated as
a Local Nuisance Parameter. In Burkhart 2003. Proceedings of the
Symposium on Statistics and Information Technology in Forestry. September 8-12,
2002, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
Zawadzki J., C.J. Cieszewski, M. Zasada. 2003.
Semivariances of Landsat TM satellite imagery texture of forested areas.
Sylwan, 7: 40-52. [Journal Article, in Polish] [In Polish]
*See also above
“Monographs (Articles longer than standard articles, in
print or accepted)”
C.J., M. Zasada. 2002. A dynamic form of anamorphic site index model for Scots
pine. Sylwan 7:
C.J., M. Zasada, R. Lowe, B.E. Borders, M.L. Clutter, and R. F. Daniels. 2002. Long-term Sustainability Analysis of Fiber Supply in
Georgia. In Doruska
and Bragg (Editors). 2002. Proceedings of the 2001 Southern Mensurationists'
W.M., C.J. Cieszewski, S.W. Martin, M. Zasada, and B.E. Borders. 2002. Updated Base Age Invariant Height Growth Models for
Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda, L.) Based on Intensively Managed Plantation Data. In Doruska and Bragg (Editors). 2002.
Proceedings of the 2001 Southern Mensurationists' Conference,
M., C.J., Cieszewski, R. Lowe, B.E. Borders, M.L. Clutter, and R.F. Daniels. 2002. Selected technical aspects of a statewide forest resource
modeling project in Georgia. In Doruska and Bragg (Editors).
2002. Proceedings of the 2001 Southern Mensurationists' Conference,
C.J. 2001a. Three methods of deriving advanced dynamic site equations
demonstrated on Inland Douglas-fir site curves.
C.J. 2001b. Inventory updates and related topics - From imputations to
mixed models. Forest
Science 47 (3): 285-286.
C.J., and H. Burkhart. 2001[CJC2]. Special Issue on Measurements and Quantitative Methods and
Management in Modern Forestry. Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing. Volume 13,
Number 3-4, p. 177-267. ISSN 1067-0688.
C.J., M. Zasada, R. F. Daniels, M.L. Clutter, and B.E. Borders. 2001. Long-term sustainability analysis of wood supply in Georgia
- Preliminary Approach.
In LeMay 2001 (Editor).
Proceedings of IUFRO conference titled: 'Forest modeling for Ecosystem
Management, Forest Certification, and Sustainable Management', held in
M., and C.J. Cieszewski. 2001. Forest inventory in the United States of America.
Sylwan 11: 105-120.
C.J. 2000a. Analytical Solution to the Generalized Log-Logistic
C.J. 2000b. Speedier height measurements without taking horizontal
distances. John Bell
Inventory Newsletter, July 2000 (shortened version is
available on the web).
C.J. 2000c. Improving Data Quality using Computer- assisted Data
Collection. John Bell Inventory Newsletter, July 2000 (shortened version is
available on the web).
.Cieszewski C.J. (Editor). 2000d[CJC3]. Proceedings of the First International
Conference on Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management held on
C.J. and R.L. Bailey. 2000. Generalized Algebraic Difference Approach: A New
Methodology for Derivation of Biologically Based Dynamic Site Equations.
C.J., R.L. Bailey, B.E. Borders, G.H. Brister, and B.D. Shiver. 2000. Base Age Invariance and Inventory Projections.
In Hansen, M., and T. Burk. Proceedings
of "An International Conference on
the Inventory and Monitoring of Forested Ecosystems", Integrated Tools for
Natural Resources Inventories in the 21st Century. August 16-20, 1998,
C.J., B. Borders, H. Whiffen, and M.W. Harrison. 2000. Forest Inventory in Georgia. In Zawila-Niedzwiecki and Brach (Editors). 2000. Proceedings of the International IUFRO
Conference on "Remote Sensing and Forest Monitoring" in
C.J., M.W. Harrison, and S.W. Martin. 2000. Examples of Practical Methods for Unbiased Parameter
Estimation in Self-Referencing Functions. In Cieszewski C.J.
(Editor). 2000. Proceedings of The First International Conference on
Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management, held on
R.L. and C.J. Cieszewski. 2000. Development of a well-behaved site-index equation: jack
pine in north-central Ontario: comment. Canadian Journal of Forestry Research 30:
.Borders, B. E., G.H. Brister, B.D. Shiver, and C.J. Cieszewski. 2000.
A Comparison of Sample Unit Designs in the National Inventory of the
H., C.J. Cieszewski, B. Borders, R. Lowe, B. Izlar, M. Zupko, and B. Cooke.
2000. Stand Signature Stability. In Cieszewski
C.J. (Editor). 2000. Proceedings of The First International Conference on
Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management, held on
C.J., Bella, I.E., and D. Walker. 1999. Implementation of a base age invariant height model for
lodgepole pine in company timber supply analysis. Forestry Chronicle 75:1-3.
D.A., R.A. Leary, and C.J. Cieszewski. 1999. Self-thinning
and stockability of the circumboreal aspens (Populus tremuloides Michx., and
P-tremula L.). USDA For.
Symposium Article
Published - In Mathematical Modelling
and Scientific Co
Cieszewski, C. J. A Simple Method for
Derivation of Flexible and Parsimonious Dynamic Site Equations from Existing
Fixed Base-Age Models. In Mathematical
Modelling and Scientific Computing in Science and Technology – Proceedings of
the 12th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computing. August 2-4, 1999,
P.E., S. Brown, J. Mo, R. Birdsey, and C.J. Cieszewski. 1997. Biomass estimation for temperate
broadleaf forests of the
C.J., D.P. Turner, D.L. Phillips. 1996.
Statistical analysis of error propagation in national level
carbon budgets. In
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy
Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Fort Collins,
C.J., I.E. Bella. 1995. Adjusting
lodgepole pine site index for density related height growth reduction. In
P.F. Newton (Editor). 1995.
C.J., I.E. Bella. 1993. Modeling
density-related lodgepole pine height growth, using Czarnowski's stand dynamics
C.J., I.E. Bella. 1993. Predicting
density-related lodgepole pine height growth in Alberta for thinning
applications. For.
C.J., I.E. Bella. 1991. Polymorphic
height and site index curves for the major tree species in Alberta. For.
C.J., I.E. Bella. 1991. Towards
optimal design of nonlinear regression models. In: Rennolls K., Gertner, G. Proceedings of
a IUFRO S4.11 Conference held on 10-14 September 1991 at the
C.J., I.E. Bella, Perala, D.A. 1990[CJC4]. Modeling growth and yield of aspen in western Canada. In:
Navratil, S., Chapman, P.B., Proceedings of a symposium held November 20-21,
1990, in
C.J., I.E. Bella. 1989. Polymorphic
Height Growth and Site Index Curves for Lodgepole Pine in Alberta.
D.A., G.W. Host, C.J. Cieszewski, J.K. Jordan.
1996. A
Multiproduct Growth and Yield Model for the Circumboreal Aspens. North. J. Appl. For. 13(4):164-170.
D.A., R.A. Leary, C.J. Cieszewski. 1995.
Stockability, growth, and yield of the circumboreal aspens (Populus tremuloides
Michx., P. tremula L.) Res. Pap.
D.E., C.J. Cieszewski, I.E. Bella. 1988. The Stand Dynamics of Lodgepole Pine.
Borders, B.E., W.M.
Harrison, B.D. Shiver, Y. Zhang, C.J. Cieszewski, M. Clutter, R.F. Daniels.
2001. Growth and yield models for loblolly pine plantations in the
Piedmont/Upper Coastal Plain of the Southeastern U.S. PMRC Technical Report.
C. E., C. J. Cieszewski. 2001. Solutions for reducing bias in inventory
projections when using a system of incompatible site index and height models:
demonstrated example uses Jack pine of
C.J., M. Harrison, S.W. Martin. 2000. Practical Method for Estimating Non-biased Parameters in
Self-referencing Growth and Yield Models. PMRC Technical Report 2000-7.
H., C.J. Cieszewski, B. Borders, R. Lowe, B. Izlar, M. Zupko, W. Cooke. 2000. Using 30-meter Satellite Data to Estimate Basal Areas of
Intensively Managed Loblolly Pine Stands. PRMC Technical Report 2000-6.
C.J. 1999. The Algebraic Difference Approach Improves Fixed Base-Age
Site Models based on Chapman-Richard Function. PMRC Technical Report 1999-9.
C.J. 1999. Example of Mathematically Adapting Fixed-Base-Age Models to
Variable-Base-Age Inventory Projections. PMRC Technical Report 1999-8.
C.J. 1999. Two Approaches to Improving Inventory Projection Equations
on Examples of Published Models. PMRC Technical Report 1999-7.
C.J. 1999. Three Approaches to Derivation of Inventory Projection
Equations. PMRC
Technical Report 1999-6.
C.J., R.L. Bailey. 1999. The Method for Deriving Theory-Based Base-Age Invariant
Polymorphic Site Equations with Variable Asymptotes and other Inventory
Projection Models.
PMRC Technical Report 1999-4.
Cieszewski, C.J. Sustainable Forestry --- How Do We Count (On) It?:
Discussion of Selected Procedures in Common Use. XXI IUFRO World Congress titled “Forests and Society: The Role of
Cieszewski, C.J.,
M.W. Harrison, B.E. Borders. 2000. Use of Large-Scale Photography in
Re-measurements of
Cieszewski, C.J., and A.A. Wawrykowicz. 2000. Poster: Generic
Software for Computing and Plotting Predictions of Base-Age Invariant Site
Index Equations. Abstract in Hansen and
Burk (Editors). 2000. Proceedings of "An International Conference on the
Inventory and Monitoring of Forested Ecosystems", Integrated Tools for
Natural Resources Inventories in the 21st Century. August 16-20, 1998,
Cieszewski, C.J. 2000. Mechanisms
Causing Bias in Parameter Estimates for Site Index Models and other
Self-Referencing Functions. In Cieszewski C.J. (Editor). 2000. Proceedings of
The First International Conference on Measurements and Quantitative Methods and
Management, held on
Cieszewski, C.J. Comparison of Oak growth in the USA, France,
and Poland. Abstract published in
program of the International Conference on Oak growth decline in
(but not yet accepted)
Cieszewski, C.J., M.
Zasada, B.E. Borders, M. Clutter, and D. Daniels. [In Review]. Spatially-explicit
sustainability analysis of long-term fiber supply in Georgia, USA. [Article submitted to Forest Ecology and
Cieszewski, C.J.,
M.W. Harrison, S.W. Martin. [In Revision]. Methods for Unbiased Parameter Estimation in
Self-Referencing Functions.
Cieszewski, C.J. [In
Review]. Method of Deriving Equations for Base-Age Variant Models.
[Article submitted to Forest Science].
Cieszewski, C.J., D. Tait. [In
Revision]. Classification of Site Models [Article
submitted to Forest Science].
Cieszewski, C.J., M.
Zasada, B.E. Borders, R. Lowe. [In Review].
Biomass and Carbon budget estimation for Georgia forests
using the Forest Inventory Analysis data. [Manuscript submitted to Forest Science.]
Rose, C., C.J. Cieszewski. [In
Review]. Methods for Avoiding the Impacts of Incompatible Site Index
and Height Prediction Models: Examples using Jack Pine in Ontario.
[Article submitted to Forestry Chronicle].
(e.g., popular articles)
WebPages with
results of the Long-term Sustainability of Forest Resources in
WebPages with
efficient displays of forest resources statistics for all the states, counties,
and FIA units in the Southeast (this site with 139Mb of information in 7,588
data files is a hybrid mirror of the USDA FS WebPages) at: http://www.growthandyield.com/fiamirror/index.htm
WebPages with
interactive maps and tables displaying forest resource information for Georgia:
counties, development regions, physiographic regions, FIA units, watersheds,
river basins, Timber Mart South regions, etc., on various background maps (23Mb
with 1,125 files) at: http://www.growthandyield.com/LiveMaps/clickmaps.htm
(mouse click-triggered map selections) and at: http://www.growthandyield.com/LiveMaps/movemaps.htm
(mouse over motion-activated map selections).
WebPages with
comparisons of
WebPages of the
Southern Mensurationists including various PowerPoint presentations and
descriptions of regional programs (143Mb with 6,285 files) at: www.mensurationists.com
Published on the
FOREST Internet discussion group an article on Natural Monocultures. July 5, 1999.
Published on the
FOREST Internet discussion group an article on Structural Differences between
Leaves and Grasses. July 7, 1999.
Published on the
FOREST Internet discussion group an article on Stem Sectioning Data
Analysis. August 18, 1999.
Published on the
Inventory Internet discussion group an article on CFI Analysis Literature. September 10, 1999.
Cieszewski, C.J., M. Zasada, B.E. Borders. [In Preparation]. Impact of Intensive Management Practices on Long-Term Simulations
of Forest Resources in
mark with an asterisk those publications which have gone through stringent
editorial review; mark with a double asterisk those publications which were
invited and which carry prestige and recognition
(Creative contributions other than formal publications)
2002. Developed interactive maps on the WWW that
allow for quick and efficient acquisition of information on the inventory
information in
2001. Bitterlich, W., C.J. Cieszewski, K. Iles, D.
Marshall. 2001. Touching the History of Variable Plot Sampling. Film interviewing prof. W. Bitterlich in
2001. Developed improved
FIA mirrors for efficient acquisition of forest growth statistics in the
Southeast on county, state, and FIA unit levels on the http://www.growthandyield.com/fiamirror/SE/www.srsfia.usfs.msstate.edu/fia.htm
Invented and published the Generalized Algebraic Difference Approach: a breakthrough technology for theory based derivation of extremely flexible implicitly defined difference equations used for forest inventory projections. This approach is based on a new analytical framework for rigorous algebraic derivation of the inventory projection models in forestry and derivation of another models based on the concept of unobservable variables and stochastic regression analysis.
Derived the site index solution to the generalized log-logistic site equation that was previously considered unsolvable for site index. The solution became possible through linking the Ramanujan's real-exponent trinomial solution with the forestry applications of the log-logistic site equation.
Developed several new methodologies of dynamic equation derivations.
Invented several new generic dynamic equations for inventory projections.
Developed a statistical framework of non-nested and nested nonlinear mixed effects model analysis to investigate differences between growth responses in various silvicultural treatments in management regimes evaluation for the PMRC and CAPPS studies.
Developed new biomass expansion factors for the
1995 - Derived a generic statistical framework for error analysis and error propagation simulation in assessing the carbon dynamics of forest ecosystems at country to regional scales for several major boreal, temperate, and tropical countries for all components of national-scale terrestrial C budgets.
1994 - Formulated a new concept of an extremely flexible ageless height growth modeling, in which a future height can be predicted as a function of only a height growth increment in any time, and the height at which the increment is measured. This approach gives a new dimension to height growth modeling and in theory such a model constitutes a general height growth modeling platform unifying all previously existing height growth models whether they be based on total ages or breast height ages, and whether they use site indexes of different base ages, or any length growth intercepts. Every one of those traditional models is just a special case of the proposed general model corresponding to the limiting values of its independent variables.
1993 - Extended the Czarnowski's stand dynamics theory into a first dynamic density height growth model, that is capable of predicting lodgepole pine height growth as a function of its current height, age, and stand density.
1992 - Developed two new alternative approaches to calibration of self-referencing functions by 1) dynamically computing average predictions of the referencing points within the nonlinear regression iterations; and 2) using a varying parameter approach to estimate the site parameters individually for each series while simultaneously estimating the global parameters of the general model.
1990 - invented the most flexible and advanced methodology for derivation of base-age invariant polymorphic height growth models with variable asymptotes and biological bases (unpublished at that time). A number of new base-age invariant height growth models still to be published have been derived using this methodology.
1989 - formulated the first in the world defined for all ages base-age invariant polymorphic height growth model having variable asymptotes.
1987 - Designed a biologically based managed stand growth model framework that to be used for development of growth and yield prediction systems based on scant data.
(dates, amounts, principal investigator or co-principal investigator)
2002. $135,823.
Cieszewski, C.J. (PI: 90%). TIP3 Grant for “Long-term sustainability
analysis of forest resources in
2002. July 31-Dec. 30. $34,000. Cieszewski, C.J.
(PI: 60%) and M. Clutter. USDA Forest
Service Grant for Analysis of impacts of riparian zones and road buffers on
wood supply in
2001. $10,000.
Cieszewski, C.J. (PI: 100%). Weyerhaeuser PMRC contract titled “Mixed
model analysis of self-referencing models”
2001. $135,000.
Cieszewski, C.J. (PI: 90%). TIP3 Grant for "Long-term sustainability
analysis of forest resources in
$3,000. Cieszewski, C.J. (PI 100%). International
Fellowship Grant of $3,000.00 for initiating international collaboration.
1998-2003. Cieszewski, C.J., et. al. (PI: 90%). Improvement of Implicitly-defined Models Used in Inventory Projections. McIntire-Stennis project GEO-099-MS.
Total of PI-Grants:
2001. $45,000.
Clutter, M. and C.J. Cieszewski (40%).
USDA Forest Service Grant for Analysis of forest fragmentation in
2001. $117,000. Shiver, B. et. al. PMRC: (Co-PI: 10%) on the Growth and Yield Modeling Initiative.
2000. $90,000.
Whiffen, H., et al. (Co-PI:
10%). TIP3 Grant for Accurate area
estimates for Fiber Supply Assessment.
1999. $90,000.
Whiffen, H., et al. (Co-PI:
20%). TIP3 Grant for accurate area estimates for Fiber Supply Assessment.
Total of
Co-PI-Grants: $342,000
Participation in Funded Grants: $659,000
(Current proposals under consideration, future proposals in preparation, and past proposals submitted but not funded.)
2002. $90,000. Cieszewski, C.J., et al. (PI: 60%). Habitat Modeling for the USDA Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis Program. Proposal submitted to NCASI Inc.
2002. $88,386. Cieszewski, C.J., et al. (PI: 90%). Short-term and long-term Carbon Budget
analysis of forest resources in
2002. $46,438. Cieszewski, C.J., et al. (PI: 90%). Landscape Visualization for analyses of
long-term inventory and management related landscape changes as implied by
various changing inventories in sustainability analysis of
$180,000. Cieszewski, C.J., et al. (PI: 90%). Development of site dependent height models
and taper equations for oak species in
2000. $143,500. FY 2000 LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES GRANTS PROPOSAL: A Broad Audience, Interactive Multimedia Course in Quantitative Aspects of Modern Scientific Forestry.
Improvement of
Unfunded Grants Total: $558,324
(and outstanding achievements: prizes, fellowships, etc.)
1999-2000. International Fellow, UGA.
(Works that cite Cieszewski’s articles)
Barrett, Galbally and Graetz. 2001. Quantifying
uncertainty in estimates of C emissions from aboveground biomass due to
historic land-use change to cropping in
Carmean, Niznowski, and Hazenberg. 2001. Polymorphic site
index curves for jack pine in
Chen et al. 1998.
Height growth and site index models for trembling aspen (Populus
tremuloides Michx) in northern
Elfving and Kiviste. 1997.
Construction of site index equations for Pinus sylvestris L. using
permanent plot data in
Eriksson et al. 1997.
A site-index model for pure and mixed stands of Betula pendula and
Betula pubescens in
Fang and Bailey. 2001. Nonlinear mixed effects modeling for slash pine dominant height growth following intensive silvicultural treatments. For. Sci. 47 (3): 287-300;
Fang, Bailey, and Shiver. A multivariate simultaneous prediction system for stand growth and yield with fixed and random effects. For. Sci. 47 (4): 550-562.
Goelz and Burk. 1992.
Development of a Well-Behaved Site Index Equation - Jack Pine in North
Hall and Bailey. 2001. Modeling and prediction of forest growth variables based on multilevel nonlinear mixed models. For. Sci. 47 (3): 311-321.
Johansson. 1999. Site index curves for common alder and grey
alder growing on different types of forest soil in
Kiviste 1997. Eesti Pollumajandusulikooli Teadustoode kogumik. (in Estonian) 189, 63-75;
Kiviste 1998. Climate change studies in
Lieffers and Titus. 1989. The Effects of Stem Density and Nutrient Status on Size Inequality and Resource-Allocation in Lodgepole Pine and White Spruce Seedlings. Can J. Bot. 67: (10) 2900-2903);
Magnussen and Penner. 1996. Recovering time trends in
dominant height from stem analysis.
Peterson and Peterson. 1992. Ecology, management, and use of
aspen and balsam poplar in the
Price et al. 1997.
Comprehensive assessment of carbon stocks and fluxes in a
Boreal-Cordilleran forest management unit.
Schroeder et al. 1997.
Biomass estimation for temperate broadleaf forests of the
Szendrodi 1996. Growing space-age related three-dimensional modeling of biomass production of hybrid poplar. Biomass Bioenerg 10: (5-6) 251-259;
Tait and Jahraus.
1988. The Contrast in Stand
Dynamics as Revealed by Comparing Parameter Estimates For a General Stand
Tinker and Knight. 2001. Temporal and spatial dynamics of coarse woody debris in harvested and unharvested lodgepole pine forests. Ecol. Model. 141 (1-3): 125-149.
Turner et al. 1998.
Estimating the terrestrial carbon pools of the former Soviet Union,
conterminous US, and
Turner, Cohen, and Kennedy.
2000. Alternative spatial
resolutions and estimation of carbon flux over a managed forest landscape in
Wang, and Huang. 2000. Height growth pattern of white spruce
in natural subregions in
(Studies that are based on Cieszewski’s works or found his models to be the most suitable for their problems or data.)
Elfving and Kiviste. 1997.
Construction of site index equations for Pinus sylvestris L. using
permanent plot data in
Eriksson et al. 1997.
A site-index model for pure and mixed stands of Betula pendula and
Betula pubescens in
Kiviste 1997. Eesti Pollumajandusulikooli Teadustoode kogumik. (in Estonian) 189, 63-75;
Kiviste 1998. Climate change studies in
Johansson. 1999. Site index curves for common alder and grey
alder growing on different types of forest soil in
(Areas in which Dr. Cieszewski’s research is done.)
The area, in which the research is done, called the Fiber Supply Assessment, encompasses studies of present and future availability of the forest wood products, such as timber and pulp, generically denoted as fiber. The Fiber Supply Assessment is a quantitative science relying on use of methods and tools of:
· Inventory and sampling for acquisition of sample data from vast forest resources that cannot be directly measured or even observed in their entireties;
· Mathematical modeling for conceptualization and definition of complex relationships describing spatial and temporal changes;
· Statistical analysis for sampling inferences, model parameter estimation, and spatial relationships;
· Database management for administration of inherently large sets of data;
· Geostatistics and analysis of GIS data for analysis of spatially-explicit adjacency interactions and associations;
· Simulations and Operation Research for analysis of populations’ distributional properties and finding solutions to complex nonlinear systems of interactions; and
· Scientific Computing and Numerical Analysis for carrying out the simulations and nonlinear searches necessary to answer questions depending on massive numbers of calculations, and for processing very large data sets including satellite imagery, GIS data, forests’ inventories, and other data.
(Supervision of student research: including number of theses and dissertations supervised)
4 Ph.D. (current) School of
3 M.S. (current)
1 M.S. (graduated
on Aug. 2002)
8 Ph.D.
4 M.S.
2 current School
(Visiting student workers from other countries/universities/departments.)
1 (2002 from
1 (2001 from
1 Research Coordinator
2 Temporary Programmers
7 Part-time Workers (incl. 6 Grad. Stud.)
(or editorial board member of journals or other learned publications)
2002. Guest Associate Editor for Forest Science manuscripts on new estimators.
2002. Member of Funding Editorial Board Member of the international journal of
2001. Lead Guest AE
for a Special Section of
2001. Guest Associate Editor for Forest Science manuscripts on new developments in base-age invariant stand growth and yield modeling.
2000. Guest Editor for a special issue of the Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing (18 articles for 2 issues).
2000. Editor of Proceedings for the First International Conference of Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Analysis and the 1999 Southern Mensurationists Conference (edited/reviewed 23 articles for the proceedings).
(Convention papers, conference presentations, Seminars, etc.)
Cieszewski, C.J., D. Hyink, M. Strub.
2001. Implementing new modeling methods into Weyerhaeuser's
Growth and Yield Research. Presentation
at the 2001 Annual Meeting
Cieszewski, C.J. 2001. A Simple Method for Derivation of
Biologically Based Implicit Yield Models . Presentation at the
Western Mensurationists Conference,
Cieszewski, C.J., I. Moss. 2001. GADA - A Simple Method
for Derivation of Dynamic Equation. Presentation at the Western
Mensurationists Conference,
Cieszewski, C.J., M. Zasada, R. F. Daniels, M.L. Clutter, B.E. Borders. 2001. Long-term sustainability
analysis of wood supply in Georgia - Preliminary Approach. Presentation at IUFRO conference titled:
'Forest modeling for Ecosystem Management, Forest Certification, and
Sustainable Management', held in
Cieszewski, C.J., M. Zasada. 2001. Various
Aspects of Sustainability Analysis in Georgia. Presentation at the Third Annual
Forest Inventory & Analysis Symposium. Grand Traverse Resort,
Cieszewski, C.J., M. Zasada. 2001. Long-term Sustainability Analysis of Fiber Supply in
Cieszewski, C.J., M.
Zasada, B.E. Borders, M.L. Clutter, R. F. Daniels, R.I. Elle, R. Lowe.
2001. Long-term Sustainability Analysis
of Fiber Supply in
Bitterlich, W., C.J.
Cieszewski, K. Iles, D. Marshall. 2001. Touching the History of Variable Plot
Sampling. Presentation of a Film at the Western Mensurationists Conference,
*Borders, B.E., M.
Harrison, S. Martin, R.F. Daniels, C.J. Cieszewski, B. Shiver. 2001. New and
improved loblolly pine growth and yield equations for the piedmont and upper
coastal plain regions. Presentation at the 2001 Annual Meeting,
Lowe, R., C.J. Cieszewski, H.J-H Whiffen, M. Zasada, B.E. Borders. 2001. Use of Landsat Thematic
Mapper (LTM) satellite data in natural resource management. Presentation at the 3rd International
Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry.
*Rose, C., C.J.
Cieszewski. 2001. Reducing biases in inventory
projections that are based on incompatible height and site index models. Presentation at the 2001 Annual Meeting,
Strub, M., C.J. Cieszewski. 2001.
Fitting Criterion for Site Index Curves. Presentation at the 2001
Southern Mensurationists' Conference,
*Zasada, M., C.J. Cieszewski. 2001. Large-Scale
Estate Modeling in Georgia. Presentation at the 2001 Southern
Mensurationists' Conference,
Cieszewski, C.J.,
and W.M. Harrison. 2000. Non-biased parameter estimation for
self-referencing functions. Industry
workshop on advanced methods of inventory projections,
Martin, S., R.L.
Bailey, and C.J. Cieszewski. 2000. Unbiased estimation of parameters in system
of self-referencing simultaneous nonlinear equations for basal area and dominant
height using SAS. Presentation at the
2000 Southern Mensurationists’ Conference.
Cieszewski, C.J. 1999. Inventory
Projection Models: Forms and Parameters.
Presentation at the Georgia Forestry Symposium: Forest Inventory and
Monitoring, on December 6-7, 1999, at the Georgia Center for Continuing
Education, The University of Georgia, Georgia Center for Continuing Education,
Daniel B. Warnell School of Forest Resources.
*Cieszewski, C.J. 1999. Mechanisms
Causing Bias in Parameter Estimates for Site Index Models and other
Self-Referencing Functions. Presentation at the First International Conference
on Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management, held on
Cieszewski, C.J. 1999. Selected
Considerations in Parameter Estimation of Self-Referencing Models. Study presented at the 1999 The Northeastern
Mensurationists Conference,
*Cieszewski, C.J. 1999. A Simple Method for derivation of
Biologically Based Implicit Growth Equations.
Presentation at the 12th International Conference of Mathematical and
Computer Modeling & Scientific Computing in
Cieszewski, C.J.
1999. Future Timber Supply
Assessment. Presentation given to the
TIP3 group in Flinchum Finix. July 8,
Cieszewski, C.J. 1999.
Parameter Estimation for Inventory Projection Models Based on Implicit
Equations. Presentation at the 1999
Western Mensurationists International Conference.
Cieszewski, C.J. 1999. Presentation on forest inventory in
*Cieszewski, C.J.,
B.E. Borders, H.J. Whiffen, and M.W. Harrison.
Cieszewski, C.J.,
B.E. Borders, and R.L. Bailey.
1999. Height Models for the Acid
Rain Study---Preliminary Results.
Presentation given at the 1999 CAPPs Meeting in Flinchum Phoenix on March
3, 1999.
*Cieszewski, C.J.,
Cieszewski, C.J., Borders, B. Future Timber Supply Assessment. Presentation to the TIP3 group in Flinchum Phoenix. July 8, 1999.
Borders, B., C.J.
Cieszewski. 1999. SAFIS Implementation in Georgia Data
Analysis and Summarization. July 7,
*Whiffen, H. , C.J.
Cieszewski, Borders, B.E., Lowe, R., Izlar, B., Zupko, M., and B. Cooke. 1999.
Stand Signature Stability.
Presentation at the First International Conference on Measurements and
Quantitative Methods and Management, Nov. 16-18, 1999.
Cieszewski, C.J. 1998
Site Index Models. Talk
presented at the Western Mensuration Meeting, on
*Cieszewski, C.J.,
Bailey, R.L., Borders, B.E., Brister, G.H., Shiver, B.D. 1998. Base Age Invariance and Inventory
Projections. Presentation at "An International Conference on the Inventory
and Monitoring of Forested Ecosystems", Integrated Tools for Natural
Resources Inventories in the 21st Century. August 16-20, 1998,
Cieszewski, C.J.,
Cieszewski, C.J., and A.A. Wawrykowicz.
1998. A Generic Software for Computing and
Plotting Predictions of Base-Age Invariant Site Index Equations. Poster presented at "An International
Conference on the Inventory and Monitoring of Forested Ecosystems", Integrated
Tools for Natural Resources Inventories in the 21st Century. August 16-20,
*Borders, B. E.,
Brister, G.H., Shiver, B. D. and C.J. Cieszewski. 1998. A Comparison of Sample Unit Designs in the
National Inventory of the
Borders, B.E., Cieszewski, C.J. SAFIS, Information Updates and Transfer for
Inventory Updates. Annual industry
meeting of the TIP3 group.
*Cieszewski, C.J.,
Turner, D.P., Phillips, D.L. 1996. Statistical analysis of error propagation in
national level carbon budgets. Presentation
at the Second International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural
Resources and Environmental Sciences,
Turner, D.P., C.J.
Cieszewski, J. Winjum, G. Baumgardner, 1996. Contribution of Biological Sources
and Sinks to Net CO2 Efflux for the Conterminous
Cieszewski, C.J., I.E. Bella. 1991.
Stand model development within a framework of self-limiting size-density
relationships. Poster. IUFRO S4.01 Conference on ``Contrast
Between: Biologically-based process models and management-oriented growth and
yield models'', held on 2--6 Sept.~1991 in Waganingen,
Perala, D.A., G.E. Host, C.J. Cieszewski. 1991. Generic growth and yield
models for Populus tremuloides based on the self-thinning rule. Poster.
*Cieszewski, C.J., I.E. Bella. 1991.
Towards optimal design of nonlinear regression models. In: Rennolls K., Gertner, G. Proceedings of
a IUFRO S4.11 Conference held on 10-14 September 1991 at the
*Cieszewski, C.J., Bella, I.E., Perala, D.A. 1990. Modeling growth and yield of aspen in western
Note: mark with an
asterisk those, which have a published counterpart; mark with a double asterisk
those papers which were especially invited {i.e., keynote papers}.
1 Leading International Journal
1 Leading International Journal
2 International Journal / Journal
3 Other refereed outlets
. Non-refereed conference proceedings, etc.
2 International Journal / Journal
2 International Journal / Journal
. Non-refereed conference proceedings, etc.
. Non-refereed conference proceedings, etc.
. Non-refereed conference proceedings, etc.
1 Leading International Journal
1 Leading International Journal
2 International Journal / Journal
. Non-refereed conference proceedings, etc.
2 International Journal / Journal
1 Leading International Journal
3 Other refereed outlets
3 Other refereed outlets
. Non-refereed conference proceedings, etc.
1 Leading International Journal
. Non-refereed conference proceedings, etc.
. Non-refereed conference proceedings, etc.
. Non-refereed conference proceedings, etc.
1b Leading International Journal (Not senior author)
. Non-refereed conference proceedings, etc.
. Non-refereed conference proceedings, etc.
2 International Journal / Journal
3b Other refereed outlets (Not senior author)
1b Leading International Journal (Not senior author)
3 Other refereed outlets
1 Leading International Journal
3 Other refereed outlets
3 Other refereed outlets
3 Other refereed outlets
3 Other refereed outlets
1 Leading International Journal
2b International Journal / Journal (Not senior author)
3b Other refereed outlets (Not senior author)
1b Leading International Journal (Not senior author)